
Current location:Products >LLS-312 anti-rat microcapsule
Synthetic Capsaicin (Nonivamide)Rat proof plastic auxiliaryAnt proof plastic auxiliaryWater soluble chili oilOil soluble chili oilCapsaicin textile oil auxiliary
LLS-312 anti-rat microcapsule
LLS-312 anti-rat microcapsule

LLS-312 anti-rat microcapsule product developed by our company is a kind of environmental protection high-tech products, non-toxic. It is a microcapsule with capsaicin (alkali) as the core, with melamine resin as the wall, using microencapsulation technology. It can effectively solve the spicy smell in the production process and obviously improve the production conditions. It is mainly used in various wire and cable, communication cable, computer wiring, rubber hose packaging and building materials rat-proof master material and rat-proof coating. Add 1.6-3.0%.

Main technical indicators:




white or yellowish fine powder

capsaicin content(C17H27NO3%)      ≥ 


bulk density (g/cm3)


loss on heating (%)                 ≤ 


Application method:

Cable material: PE resin 100, LLS-312 2.0-2.5, appropriate amount of antioxidant, the above components can be fully mixed evenly.
Base material: 45 parts of EVA, 4 parts of PE wax, 50 parts of LLS-312, appropriate amount of antioxidant, the above components are fully mixed and evenly granulated into master material.


The product is sealed and stored in a cool, dry and ventilated place.

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